Today our "Plum" is 6 months old! It is hard to believe that he has only been in our lives for half a year. I cannot image our lives without him. There was a time in our lives that I thought we would not have any more children. I am grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed us with him. He bring us so much joy. With the hard time that we have been having I feel so blessed to have this sweet little spirit in our home. Having these beautiful children in our lives make all our trials worth trying! I feel so blessed to be a mother it is hard at times but well worth it! These past 6 months have been so wonderful. I look forward to the next 6 months, with all the fun new things our baby boy will be learning to do! Here's to the next 6 months!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Happy Half Birthday!!
Today our "Plum" is 6 months old! It is hard to believe that he has only been in our lives for half a year. I cannot image our lives without him. There was a time in our lives that I thought we would not have any more children. I am grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed us with him. He bring us so much joy. With the hard time that we have been having I feel so blessed to have this sweet little spirit in our home. Having these beautiful children in our lives make all our trials worth trying! I feel so blessed to be a mother it is hard at times but well worth it! These past 6 months have been so wonderful. I look forward to the next 6 months, with all the fun new things our baby boy will be learning to do! Here's to the next 6 months!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Good Citizen!
"Apple" received an award for Outstanding Citizenship in the 1st trimester of school! Way to go!
"Apple" is a good student. She just received her progress report she got a 4 in spelling and math skills and concepts and a 3 in writing. A 4 is advanced and a 3 is proficient. Way to go sweetie keep up the good work! "Pear" did well too! Kindergarten progress reports are done a little differently. Keep up the good work you two! Mommy and Daddy are proud of you both!!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Best Banana Muffin Recipe
This the best banana muffin recipe I have had. Yummy Yummy! These are one of my kid's favorites. I think they like them because they have chocolate chips in them. They will eat anything with chocolate! Here is the recipe:
1/2 cup butter softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar packed
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups mashed banana
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
Mix together butter & sugars. Beat in eggs, banana & vanilla. Combine flour & baking soda. Add to banana mixture, mix until moist. Stir in chocolate chips. Fill muffin cups half full. Bake at 350 for 15- 20 minutes yields about 18 muffins. Hope you like them as much as we do!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Yummy Pancakes

Six-Grain Pancake Master Mix
6 cups soft wheat kernel
1 cup barley
1 cup rye
1 cup oat groats
1 cup brown rice
1 cup triticale or millet (opt)
4 cups nonfat dry milk
2 tablespoons salt
1 cup baking powder
Grind grains together in wheat grinder. Then add remaining ingredients and mix well.
To make the pancakes you will mix
1 cup of six-grain pancake master mix
1 tablespoon oil
1 egg
1/2 to 3/4 cup water
Mix until ingredients are combined, cook on a nonstick griddle, turning once. Enjoy!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Rollie Pollie
Thursday was a big day! "Plum" rolled over all by himself for the first time. He is 5-1/2 months. We are so proud of him! Even after two kids I still get excited at each little milestone. I love watching the older two get excited at the new things their brother can do. I Hope you enjoy this video!
Student Of The Month
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Name That Child
For safety reasons I have decided to give my kids different names. The title of my blog is a take on the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. So I named my kids after the fruit that the Caterpillar eats. When you hear me refer to "Apple" (my daughter), "Pear"(my first son) and "Plum"(my baby boy). I will be referring to my 3 beautiful children.
I Was Tagged!
I was Tagged by Andrea! Here is the Tag:
8 Favorite Shows:
1. Biggest Looser
2. Privileged
3. The Bachelor
4. Jon & Kate Plus 8
5. Heros
6. Kyle XY
7. My Own Worst Enemy
8. The Hills
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Feed Baby
2. Get "Apple" ready for school
3. Feed Baby
4. Get "Pear" ready for school
5. Feed Baby
6. Clean house/fold laundry
7. Feed Baby
8. Pick up kids from school
(Should I go on?)
8 Things I Look Forward to:
1. My husband having a job!!
2. "Plums" first B-Day.
3. A clean house!
4. Not stressing about money.
5. My oven getting fixed!
6. "Apple" getting baptized.
7. Having money to go on date night!
8. Watching my kids grow up!
8 Favorite Restaurants:
( Not That we ever go out to eat, but if we did I would pick one of these.)
1. Outback Steak House
2. Claim Jumpers
3. Red Robin
4. Macaroni Grill
5. Olive Garden
6. Johnny Carino's
7. El Pollo Loco
8. Baja Fresh
8 Things on My Wish list:
1. My Husband had a real good job!
2. My baby would sleep through the night.
3. I could lose this baby fat so my clothes would fit!
4. We didn't have to worry about money.
5. That the economy was doing better.
6. That my children are happy!
7. That I am a good example to my children.
8. That I was caught up on my scrapbooking.
8 People I Tag:
1. Natalie
2. Amy
3. Tasha
4. Amie
5. Janis
6. Stephine
7. Rebekah
8. Jennifer
(If you don't have a Blog do it in an email!)
8 Favorite Shows:
1. Biggest Looser
2. Privileged
3. The Bachelor
4. Jon & Kate Plus 8
5. Heros
6. Kyle XY
7. My Own Worst Enemy
8. The Hills
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Feed Baby
2. Get "Apple" ready for school
3. Feed Baby
4. Get "Pear" ready for school
5. Feed Baby
6. Clean house/fold laundry
7. Feed Baby
8. Pick up kids from school
(Should I go on?)
8 Things I Look Forward to:
1. My husband having a job!!
2. "Plums" first B-Day.
3. A clean house!
4. Not stressing about money.
5. My oven getting fixed!
6. "Apple" getting baptized.
7. Having money to go on date night!
8. Watching my kids grow up!
8 Favorite Restaurants:
( Not That we ever go out to eat, but if we did I would pick one of these.)
1. Outback Steak House
2. Claim Jumpers
3. Red Robin
4. Macaroni Grill
5. Olive Garden
6. Johnny Carino's
7. El Pollo Loco
8. Baja Fresh
8 Things on My Wish list:
1. My Husband had a real good job!
2. My baby would sleep through the night.
3. I could lose this baby fat so my clothes would fit!
4. We didn't have to worry about money.
5. That the economy was doing better.
6. That my children are happy!
7. That I am a good example to my children.
8. That I was caught up on my scrapbooking.
8 People I Tag:
1. Natalie
2. Amy
3. Tasha
4. Amie
5. Janis
6. Stephine
7. Rebekah
8. Jennifer
(If you don't have a Blog do it in an email!)
Friday, January 9, 2009
Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff
6 whole boneless skinless chicken breast halves
1 package dry Italian dressing mix
12 ounces of cream cheese
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
12 ounces sliced mushrooms (optional)
Put chicken in slow cooker and sprinkle with dry dressing. Cook on low for 5 hours. Mix together cream cheese and soup (I use my electric mixer). Add to chicken with mushrooms. Cook until warmed through and mushrooms are done to your liking, about 30 minutes. Serve over rice.
Miss Match Day!
All you mothers of school aged children will appreciate this. Evey Friday is spirit day at school. They pick a theme for everyone to dress up like 80's day or crazy hair day which was a few months ago (I will post those pictures too). This Friday was miss match day. I try to let the kids pick out their own out fits normally, but a lot of time they put together some interesting outfits. So today I let them pick out what ever they wanted. As you can see they have some interesting things on!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Big Boy!!
What a Big boy! My little guy turned 5 months last week! I had wanted to wait until he was 6 months to start solids, but he just seemed ready and hungry. He was always watching mommy and daddy's food and trying to grab it. So last night we gave him his first helping of rice cereal. I think he really liked it. Hopefully as time goes on he will be more satisfied and sleep longer at night! I will keep my fingers crossed!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Cupcake Disaster
I have never had so much trouble baking cupcakes. It was my son's birthday last month so we were taking cupcakes to school to share with his class to celebrate his 6th birthday! I can't believe he is all ready 6. He wanted chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting, no big deal cupcakes are easy to make! So we made some chocolate cupcakes and put them in the oven. I wasn't sure why, but they burned. We decided to try agian with a yellow cake mix, because I didn't have any more chocolate. This time I set the timer for less time than I thought they needed. This time they looked like volcano's! They cooked around the edges and then started to bubble up in the center like a volcano. These first two batches I had used a different brand than I normally do so I was sure it was something wrong with the batter. We tried one more time! This time I was sure they would come out just fine. I went back to the brand I normally use and set the timer for 10 minutes (they normally take 18 to 22 minutes). The timer went off and I went to take them out of the oven and they were burned. I came to the conclusion that my oven is broken! I think the problem is that it can not regulate its temperature, it just keeps getting hotter and hotter. I was beginning to think that the problem was me! So my son decided he wanted to bring No Bake Cookies (don't need the oven for that!). Here is my recipe for No Bake Cookies:
Monday, January 5, 2009
My Twin!
The princess has a new hair do. My daughter had been asking for about a month if she could have bangs. I am not sure why she wanted them. I think it is because Aunt Debbie was coming for Christmas and I like to have her cut my hair when she comes down, so she wanted her hair cut too! I really didn't want her to have bangs I thought she looked cute just the way she was. She kept asking and after great agony I decided to let her do it, it's just hair! I think the bangs look really cute on her. It is kinda scary I think she could be my twin. She looks just like me when I was about her age. There is no denying she is my daughter!
Happy Mommy!!!
After 3 weeks of winter break the kids our finally back in school. I love my kids, but I am happy they are back in school. Because of the unexpected snow the kids were out of school for 3 weeks instead of 2. The house is a disaster. I don't know what it is but when the kids are home the house does not stay as clean as I would like. I am starting to get it put back together. All of the Christmas decorations are down and now they need to be moved out in the garage. I am the type of person that can not wait to decorate for Christmas, but by the time Christmas comes I am so ready for it to come down. Now my kids want to know if we can decorate for valentines day!
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