Friday, May 20, 2011

Art Work

How do you get mad at a cute little face like this!
When you r wall now looks like this!
It is our new living room art work!
Not what I had in mind.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My new favorite thing!

I know you are looking at this picture and wondering what it is! It is my Pinterest! What is Pinterest you ask, well it is like a giant cork board on the internet. You can save all the cool ideas, pictures or what ever you find while you are surfing the net. It is very helpful to me and I love it! You can click on the image above and it will take you to my page. I believe the site is by invitation only so if you want an invite just let me know and I will send you one! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


This is my sweet "Plum" who is now wearing glasses! He has a lazy eye
(well two lazy eyes,but one is more dominate).

The official name of his eye condition is called starbismus- esotropia. The glasses are suppose to help the "lazy eye" correct itself. He doesn't need the glasses for his vision, but he needs to wear them from dawn to dusk to try and correct his "lazy eye". It took a while to get him to keep them on (he is only 2 1/2.) But he is doing pretty well with it now. We are on our second pair of glasses, because the doctor had prescribed a little bit stronger lens, it's a good thing he did because about a week after he broke the first pair of glasses. So now we have to be extra careful, I don't want to have to get another pair it's only been 5 months since we got the first pair.

He can be quite a ham!

We will be going in a couple of weeks to find out if the glasses are working or if he will need surgery. I believe it will be a very simple procedure, but non the less I do not want him to have to have surgery. We will keep you posted. Please say a little pray for him!

Cub Scouts

Since "Pear" has turned 8 he now is in Cub Scouts! He is really enjoying it.

Crazy boy! He loves to laugh and make you laugh with him!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Double Digits!

Can you believe my baby girl is 10! We are creeping into the teenage years, although some days I think we are already there! "Apple" had a slumber party for her birthday, but being the great Mom that I am I forgot to take pictures. So let's use our imagination and envision 7 little girls running around my tiny house, man do they have a lot of energy. They were all asleep by 2:00am and up by 6:30 am. I was exhausted! (not to mention my little "Plum" had decided to wake up at 3:00am for an hour) Even though she had a wonderful time I think in the future we will stick to parties that only last a couple of hours and the kids go home and sleep in there own beds!
"Apple" on her 10th birthday!

"Pear" Get's Baptized

It is always a wonderful experience to have one of you kids get baptized. My "Pear" was baptized on January 5th, 2011. Although things didn't go quite as planed due to the fact that my grandma in Indian had passed away and the funeral was on the day that we had originally planed the baptism for I think it turned out to be special for "Pear".
"Pear" was baptized and confirmed by his Dad!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Snow Day January 3 2011!

So I haven't been that great at blogging lately. I have started working and even thought it is only about 3 hours a day it sure does put a kink in my day. So back in January we had little bit of snow on the day the kids were suppose to go back to school from their winter break. Here in California if it snow we have a day of from school. They had a great time playing in the snow! This was "Plums" first time, he didn't last as long as his brother and sister but he thought it was pretty fun!

You can still see the snow coming down!

"Pear" had a good time working on the snowman.

My beautiful "Apple" .

"Plum" saying "Look Mom".

Christmas 2010!

We had a GREAT Christmas! I love the holidays, but I think Christmas is my favorite!

On your marks, get set, GO!

The best part is to see the excitement of my kids!

"Pear" is 8

Christmas birthdays are always hard! Trying to plan a party amongst all the holiday hoopla.
So we just kept it simple, cake and presents the important stuff!


Friday, March 25, 2011

"Apple's" Chior Performance

"Apple" has really enjoyed being in choir this year. This is from her Christmas performance (12-07-2010) with two of here friends.

I really enjoy going to see here preform!

New Beds!

Back in October we had to move "Plum" from his crib to a "big boy bed". After being awakened at 2:00 in the morning by a 2 year old who was crying at my door, we decided it was time. I was kind of sad to move him out of his crib I had hopped to keep him in it for a while longer. He adjusted pretty well it only took about a week of him getting in and out of bed. He now for the most part stays in bed after we put him in! "Pear was petty excited to sleep on the top bunk too!

Here is "Apple" in here new day bed (courtesy of Grandma & Grandpa Wilson, I love hand me downs). She loves it and now we have an extra bed in the house.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


OK, so I know I have posted other Carmel recipes before but I really love this one. It is really easy and taste delicious! I got the recipe from my mom, but here is a link to where it is from Bake Space.

Microwave Caramels

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup Light Karo Syrup (not dark-doesn't set right)

1/2 cup light brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar


1 t. vanilla

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Buttered 8x8 baking dish

Melt butter in large microwave bowl.

Stir in Karo syrup, both sugars and sweetened condensed milk.

Mix until dissolved.

Microwave on high 3-1/2 minutes.

Stir down and scrape sides of bowl.

Microwave on high 3-1/2 minutes. (this will be soft-ball stage).

Stir in vanilla and nuts (if you add them at all).

Pour into buttered dish and refrigerate until set.

Cut into square and wrap each in wax paper. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2x4 Heart

This a cute easy Valentine decoration too! I found it hear at Under my polka dot umbrella.

conversation blocks

I've decided since I don't have as much time anymore (because I am working and trying to take care of my kids) that I am going to post things I want to make, and when I get around to making my own I will post pictures!

I saw these cute little blocks and I think they would make a great Valentines decoration!

I saw them here at Brown Paper Packages.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Joy Blocks!

So this year I had a bunch of crafts I wanted to do before Christmas! This is one that I didn't get done until after Christmas, but it is going to be really cute for next year! :)
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