So handsome! "Pear" has been missing his right front tooth for several years now. He lost it do to an accident in the bathroom at the age of 3. The tooth is right underneath his gum's and I can feel it when I push on it. I can't wait for him to get it back!

This year went buy so fast. As a kid the school year seemed to go by so slow. As an adult the time seems to fly by and my babies are growing up way to fast!

"Pear" had the same kindergarten Teacher as "Apple". She was a wonderful teacher and both the kids had a lot of fun with her!

We are so proud of "Pear"! He has learned so much this year and received an awesome report card! The report cards are done a little different for elementary school. For Language Arts - Advanced, Math- Advanced. Then there are a bunch of little categorizes in which he received 11 O's (for outstanding the highest mark) and 5 S's (for satisfactory the second highest mark). 1st grade here he comes!
Congrats to "Pear" That is a huge thing! 1st grade here you come.
oh cute I love his little hat! He looks so proud of himself :) I also love how you can write on your pictures you post
OH he is so handsome!!!
I can't believe he will be in FIRST grade...
Why do they have to grow up so FAST...??
I will have a 3 grader next year, and a 6th grader...
Aaaahh..SO not ready for that..!!!
YOur pictures are so good!!
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