Friday, December 24, 2010


We hope you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!



Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, friends and loved ones......our greatest blessings

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2x4 Pumpkins and Turkeys

As a Relief Society Activity we made these pumpkins and turkeys to donate to a Meals on Wheels group to use for there Thanksgiving dinner. I think they turned out really cute!

If you go here you can get the directions to make your own cute little turkey!

And go here to make the pumpkins!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thankful Blocks

I know that is not the best picture, but I had fun making these THANKFUL blocks! I saw the idea here! I was supper excited to find I had enough scrap pieces of wood to make these blocks and I made the stencils using the computer (well actually my hubby made the stencils using the computer, he is better with that stuff).
I love the month of November, because it reminds me of all the many things that I am thankful for! And during these hard times it is easy to forget that I really have a million things to be thankful for!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

CrAZy hAiR DaY!

"Apple" had cray hair day at school recently.
This is the crazy hair that her and her dad came up with!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2x4 frankenstein

I know this is to late for Halloween, but maybe good for next year!
I found this idea here! Isn't he cute!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Crafts

Better late than never! These are a few crafts I made last month! I love the "BOO" blocks I think they turned out really cute! Thanks to my handy Husband for cutting out all the wood and to my Mom for letting me use here Cricut!

I think these are the cutest Pumpkins! Perfect for Halloween and Fall! They are so simple. They large one is made out of a 2x4. I got the idea for these from here . I have a few other crafts I am working on and will try and post them before the season is over! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

First day of school

I can't belive we have started another school year! Time seems to go by faster and faster! I would really like it to slow down! But I don't think there is anything I can do abiut it!
"Apple" is in the 4th grade now! My sweet baby girl is growing into a young lady before my eyes! "Pear" is now in second grade I don't even know how that happened he just starte kindergarted the other day! (LOL)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Plum" turned 2!

I can not believe my baby boy has turned 2! Why does time have to go by so fast? We had a nice little party for him just Mom, Dad, brother, sister and Grandma ("Nana") and Grandpa("Papa")!
Grandma made these cute little monkey cupcakes aren't they cute?

We have really enjoyed having this little guy join our family! He has such a happy personality and has brought us much happiness!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I loved being able to spend time with our Family in Utah! It is so Beautiful there and we would love to be able to move there! We went to a like to go fishing and out on some canoes! I love "Apples" expression when she thought she might have caught a fish, but no fish!

Bekah and I out on a canoe! I was a little hesitant but I loved it once I was out on the water!
"Plum" checking things out!

Isn't he cute!

"Apple" and Uncle Nathan

"Pear" and Daddy
Mike and the two oldest kids had so much fun that they went back the next day and spent just about the whole day on the lake! Mike came back with a really bad Sun burn!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Buoy Ball

While we were horse back riding the lady house we went to had a Buoy Ball that the kids had a blast on! I'm not sure which they liked better the horse or the Buoy Ball! Love these pictures!

Hourse Back Riding

During our trip to Utah we had the opportunity ti go horse back riding (Thanks Debbie)! This was my very first time going horse back riding and something that I have always wanted to do! It was on my "bucket list"! I had so much fun and can't wait to be able to go again! Oh and can I just say having your picture taken on a horse is not very flattering!

Here I am riding "Taffy"

"Pear" and "Apple" riding "BIG"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Temple Square

One of the things I really wanted to do while we were in Utah was go to temple square! I think it had been at least 15+ years since I can remember being there! It has change quite a bit!

As you can see "Pear" is not all that excited to be there!

Isn't this a beautiful view! It is on top of the conference center!

Here is a view of the Salt Lake Temple from the top of the conference center!

The BEAUTIFUL Salt Lake Temple!

Grandpas new buddy!

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